When I look down the gunnel of a finely crafted dugout canoe of my Haida forefathers I cannot help but marvel at its beauty and function. Every care and expertise was put into this vessel to ensure its function and aesthetic appearance. This same thought and care is carried through all the domestic utensils such as bowls, spoons, paddles, woven baskets and hats. I take great pleasure and pride in the use of these objects.

I am blessed to come from such a culture. It has been a long road of confusion and uncertainty to regain some of these skills and qualities. When I look at objects created by other nations of the world, I cannot help but to marvel at the ingenuity and variety that we all have, in creating objects from the different mediums of each locale.

As we enter into high technology and the computer age we are becoming removed from the spirit of great craftsmanship. I am not trying to discredit the advancements that have been made in the name of technology, but to caution the lack of spirituality in these mediums.

I remain committed to creating finely crafted objects and to passing on the skills that will bring joy and pleasure to a world that is searching for its lost soul. Haida art has become very addictive to me. I feel that its possibilities are limitless, and I’ve chosen to stay within the art form for that reason.

We had art that was sacred, only brought out for certain ceremonies. We had art on permanent display validating our place in the world. The big challenge today is to give meaning to the art form, meaningful to us, so we can relate to it.

Since the almost complete destruction of our spirit, our disconnection from our values and beliefs, it is the art that is bringing us back to our roots.